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The Academic Success Center

Student in classroom looking on during Study Skills Seminar
Student in classroom looking on during Study Skills Seminar
Student in classroom looking on during Study Skills Seminar
Student in classroom looking on during Study Skills Seminar

The Academic Success Center (ASC) provides academic support to students in need of additional support and resources.

The program works in collaboration with the National Honor Society to provide peer-to-peer tutoring from NHS members, in addition to tutoring from faculty members and professional tutors.

The support and resources provided help ensure the academic success of each student.

About the Academic Success Center

Open Hours

The Academic Success Center is open after-school three days a week, beginning in mid-October each year:

  • Tuesdays, 2:25 PM - 3:25 PM
  • Wednesdays, 2:25 PM - 3:25 PM
  • Thursdays, 2:25 PM - 3:25 PM

Students have the opportunity to study quietly and complete homework, with help from the on-staff tutors when needed.

  • Location: CoLab - Catalano Memorial Library
    • Third floor of the Hampshire Street Building

The Center is staffed by a CCHS Faculty member and tutors. Students can receive study assistance, time management skill work, and homework help.

If students are in need of assistance before Open Hours begin, please contact Ms. Rachel Massanga, Academic Success Center,


Ms. Rachel Massanga

Ms. Rachel Massanga

Come to ASC...

  • To ask questions about lessons and concepts you don't understand yet.
  • To complete and review your homework with classmates.
  • To get help from an adult or student tutor who has taken your class before.
  • To get organized and manage your time.
  • To make a plan if that first test didn't go as well as you had hoped.
  • To figure out another way to tackle that hard assignment.
  • To learn a different strategy when you get discouraged.
  • To see how other students are successfully overcoming similar challenges.

ASC Seminars & Workshops

A variety of seminars and workshops are offered to help students improve study skills and strategies.

They are designed to meet the needs of students as they transition to meeting the academic expectations of Central Catholic High School. 

To accommodate student’s busy schedules, seminars will be offered both before and after school. Students can sign up for any combination of seminars.

A registration link is emailed to students and parents from Ms. Jeanne Burns, Academic Dean,

Students must bring their iPads to each session.

Upcoming ASC Events

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Recorded Study Skills Seminars

Study & Exam Day Tips