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Congratulations to the four CCHS seniors who were recently honored with the 哈佛奖书 for their outstanding academic accomplishments 在 end of their junior year (Spring 2023).

上面的照片, 从左至右:CCHS校友和劳伦斯市前市长, 凯文·苏利文,76年, 艾丹·亨利,24岁, 阿兰尼斯·诺瓦24年, 阿雅娜·诺瓦,24岁, 以及波士顿哈佛俱乐部24岁的纳文·拉梅什.

学生们在晚会上受到了庆祝 第十三届年度图书奖早餐波士顿哈佛俱乐部 十月初.


在增加, 阿纳夫·乐乐24岁 will be honored with the 哈佛奖书 by the Harvard Club of Merrimack Valley for his academic accomplishments.


"Alannis, Ayanna, 艾登, 纳文在这次重要的活动中让中央社区感到自豪, which offered them the opportunity to network with other students who are experiencing the same stresses as they apply to some of the most prestigious colleges in the world,” Mr. 克里斯托弗·沙利文81年, CCHS总裁.

投标部总裁 & 咬

“它们非常明亮, 但在谈到未来计划时,他们也表现得成熟而清晰. 对这些杰出的年轻人来说,这是多么棒的经历啊!"



The 哈佛奖书 Program recognizes outstanding students who display excellence in academic scholarship and high character, 结合其他领域的成就. Harvard Book Awards are presented annually in select high schools around the world, and each award recipient receives a book about Harvard University to commemorate their achievement.




艾丹·亨利,24岁, 布拉德福德的, MA, has a dream of attending Boston College to major in accounting and eventually work in Boston for one of the ‘Big 4’ accounting firms.

在教室里,艾登相信夫人. 大通(夫人. 戴安娜追逐, Religious Studies Teacher) has made a profound impact on his CCHS experience.

“夫人. Chase is always there if I’m having a bad day or if I need advice on an important issue. 她不仅是老师,还是导师."

除了学术, 艾登 is a student-athlete on the Boys Varsity Soccer Team and Boys Varsity Volleyball Team. 他还担任国家荣誉协会的秘书, 他是学生大使, 他参加了十(美国分配教育俱乐部).

艾登还会抽出时间在Haverhill的Emmaus House做志愿者, MA, 他在Market Basket兼职做助理经理.

"I think that what makes Central special is that you will be challenged in the classroom, 在球场上, 或者在你的俱乐部里,艾丹说。.

“这样做的原因并不是因为人们想看到你失败. They push you so that you can develop the skills to truly make a difference beyond Central, 无论是在你的社区还是在整个世界."

艾丹的弟弟, 康纳·亨利,22岁是一名突击队员.



来自马萨诸塞州切姆斯福德的24岁的阿纳夫·莱勒渴望成为一名航空航天工程师. He is well on his path to making his dream come true by applying to some of the top aerospace programs in the country. 

Arnav feels strongly that his CCHS 老师 have impacted his growth and academic success.

“我要特别提一下. 格里芬(Mr. 布莱恩·格里芬(科学教师)和Mr. 鲍彻(Mr. 埃里克·鲍彻04年, Math Teacher) for nurturing my love of physics and math and for supporting my academic progress."

我也要感谢凯勒校长(夫人. 71年的多琳·凯勒PMA)及先生. 沙利文(Mr. 克里斯托弗·沙利文81年)感谢他们在我的中央天主教之旅中给予我的支持和指导.”

除了学习成绩优异, Arnav serves as Captain of the CCHS Tennis Team and is a member of 学生大使, 全国荣誉学会, 美国分配教育俱乐部(十).


"I really enjoyed volunteering 在 ReStore for Habitat for Humanity where I was able to help store, 翻新, 制作捐赠的家居用品,送给有需要的人. 我还帮助服务明星, 美国网球协会全国青少年网球和学习分会提供网球, 健身, 为劳伦斯的学生提供丰富的教育项目, 马萨诸塞州最缺乏服务的社区之一."

“中央天主教很特别, 因为它不仅仅是一个学校社区,更是一个真正的家庭,阿纳夫说. “在中央天主教家庭感受到的支持和爱是无与伦比的. 我所建立的友谊和联系将永远伴随着我."

CCHS以外, Arnav enjoys playing the drums and participating in club tennis for Willows Tennis Club in North Andover.



阿兰尼斯·诺瓦24年, 塞勒姆的, NH, 有很高的期望进入哥伦比亚大学(纽约), 她想在哪里主修人权, 社会科学, 或法律.

外欧亚体育, she is also an active member of the Central Catholic community as a member of SCOPE (学生 Can Open People’s Eyes), 学生大使(执行局), 成为多样性的原因, 股本, 及共融计划), 全国荣誉学会. 她还参加了垒球和室内田径赛 & 场.

作为一个非常有成就的学生, AIannis believes that all of her CCHS 老师 have been very supportive and have had an incredibly positive impact on her Central experience.

“我特别要强调的是. 林奇(Mr. 约瑟夫•林奇(社会学科教师)及李淑娟女士. 奥康纳(夫人. 劳拉·奥康纳, World Languages Teacher) for supporting me through a difficult junior year. 我非常感谢我所有的老师!"


"My favorite volunteering experience was 在 劳伦斯 Public Library during the summer of 2021. I feel very honored to have been able to help young children have a nice library experience, 特别是在COVID-19大流行期间."

"I think what makes Central special is how students are so supportive of each other,” Alannis. “我喜欢在足球比赛中看到球迷区的这种支持, 甚至是学生们在作业上互相帮助."

阿兰尼斯是CCHS遗产的一部分与父亲和忠诚的突袭者, Radhames Nova 93 (CCHS发展委员会主席)和双胞胎姐妹 阿雅娜·诺瓦,24岁.



阿雅娜·诺瓦,24岁, 塞勒姆的, NH, has a goal to attend a prestigious institution such as Princeton University, 明德学院, 或麦吉尔大学, where she hopes to study the 社会科学 or pursue a more interdisciplinary major like public policy.

在阿雅娜在中央天主教的那段时间里, 她曾参与学生大使(执行委员会)的工作。, 全国荣誉学会, SCOPE(学生能让人大开眼界), 成为多样性的原因, 股本, & 包括计划),垒球,马里斯特导师,和室内田径 & 场.

在CCHS之外,她喜欢跳舞. "I often learn routines in my free time, and sometimes I choreograph my own dances."

Ayanna appreciates the support from the dedicated faculty members she has encountered at CCHS.

“具体地说,夫人. 奥康纳(夫人. 劳拉·奥康纳, World Languages Teacher) has had a huge impact on me and my experience at CCHS. Taking her Spanish classes for three consecutive years has allowed me to build meaningful connections with her. 我喜欢太太. O'Connor teaches us the ins and outs of the Spanish language while also encouraging us to immerse ourselves in Latin American culture and compare the cultures we learn about to our personal lives."

“今年,我很荣幸能在夫人 .. 奥康纳的第一节AP西班牙文学课, 我很钦佩她对这门学科的热情, 以及她对学生成功的承诺. 我永远感激她. 为营造这样一个积极和吸引人的学习环境而感谢奥康纳, 并帮助我进一步欣赏我的拉丁血统.”


“我喜欢在学业成功中心做家教! I enjoy fulfilling my responsibility of leveraging my own academic strengths to propel other students towards academic success. I hope that my contributions have made a difference in someone’s education and overall experience at CCHS."

“中央天主教很特别 to me because of its diverse student population,” said Ayanna. "The student body at Central is ethnically, geographically, economically, and academically diverse. I truly appreciate how every student has something different to bring to the table! I feel that being immersed in such an all-encompassing community has taught me to cherish our differences, 它把我塑造成了一个更开明、更有责任心的人.

阿雅娜是CCHS遗产的一部分与父亲和忠诚的突袭者, Radhames Nova 93 (CCHS发展委员会主席)和双胞胎姐妹 阿兰尼斯·诺瓦24年.

Navin Ramesh, 24岁

Navin Ramesh, 24岁

Navin Ramesh, 24岁, 切姆斯福德的, MA, 渴望有一天进入医疗领域, 专攻疼痛管理或外科手术.

“我想参与公共政策, 使我能够通过医学服务于美国的贫困地区.S. 除此之外,还要与身体上的痛苦和贫穷带来的痛苦作斗争. 我也希望在我职业生涯的某个时候能在军队服役."

Navin attributes much of his success to the support he received from his 老师 at CCHS.

“我想要感谢我的几位老师,包括李老师. 伯恩斯(Ms. 珍妮烧伤(教务长). 索纳(Ms. 史黛西索纳(社会学教师). 麦卡锡(Mr. 凯文·麦卡锡,学校主任 & 大学咨询),先生. Benedetto (Mr. 罗伯特·贝内代托,89年(科学教师)和Mr. 杜马斯(Mr. 肖恩·杜马斯、学校 & 大学辅导员)作为教练, 老师, 导师, 也是我在中央大学期间的榜样. There are many, many more faculty and staff members who have made my CCHS experience special!”

除了学习成绩优异, Navin在学生会(执行委员会)任职, 学生大使, 学生校友会, 十, IYNA神经科学俱乐部, 小木槌俱乐部, 全国荣誉学会(执行委员会), 越野, 冰上曲棍球, 长曲棍球, 愿景 咖啡馆和杂志,以及校园事工.

Navin also volunteers for several organizations including the American Red Cross, 联邦紧急事务管理局, 以及医疗后备军在地方和国家活动和筹款活动中的表现, 举几个例子.

“领导和参加静修, 方向, and other events with Campus Ministry and working with incoming classes through 学生大使 are among my favorite involvements at Central,纳文说.

“CCHS培养了这样一个善良和开放的社区, resulting in a welcoming and close-knit atmosphere created by all the students and faculty who call Central home."

CCHS以外, 纳文也是联邦应急管理局国家青年准备委员会的成员, 苏丹裔美国人医学协会的志愿者, 马萨诸塞州第三区的国会实习生, 实习生招聘主管-很好, 美国红十字会和医疗后备军志愿者的志愿者. 他也是导师.

Navin的妹妹 Ranjana Ramesh, 23岁 was Co-Valedictorian of the Class of 2023 and was also a National Merit Finalist. 她目前就读于布朗大学。.